Natural Beauty- Part 1

Health- it’s not all about what you put IN your mouth, it’s also got a lot to do with what you put ON your mouth! And the other parts of your body of course. I am a girl, not quite the girliest-girl, but I still like make up, nail polish, perfume and yummy smelling shampoo’s, body washes and moisturisers. Perusing my search for the best natural hair care products the other day, I actually got fooled into buying something that said it was natural, only to arrive at my door full of chemicals. Yes, I shop online. In bed. Bliss!

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Understanding Food Labels- Part 2

The other day we started exploring the art of reading food labels. It really is an art. The more you do it, the better you become and the easier it gets. I have written this blog to help you understand the most common 'bad guys' that the marketing world tends to talk about. With this information I hope you'll be able to happily pick up a product and understand exactly if it's going to be beneficial for your health or not. Let's begin.

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Understanding Food Labels- Part 1

Have you ever been caught out devouring your newest ‘guilt free’ delicious snack only to find out that your innocent little nibble is actually full of some kind of unattractive ingredient? Before I was a naturopath, I fell into this exact trap with gluten free goodies. I assumed just because they were gluten free, those double chocolate bickies were healthy for me! It was only thanks to a friend of mine pointing out the bucket load of sugar in my not-so-healthy-snacks, that I first began to open my eyes to food labels. 

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The Clean Fifteen and The Dirty Dozen

I have been diligently buying my groceries at my local organic grocer for years now. Yes, I am one of those people that have accepted that $5.00 for an avocado is sometimes just the price you pay. Luckily my partner hates avocado and we don’t have kids, therefore I can budget 1-2 organic avocados into my weekly shop without breaking the bank. But as I have recently found out, it doesn't have to be that way!

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